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The M.S. GLID is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on both hard science and science policy. Our curriculum provides a unique combination of training that brings together science, health, technology, modeling, social sciences, economics, and governance to support students’ academic and career goals. 

Students learn about the many ways to approach global infectious disease problems, such as through life science research, mathematical modeling of outbreaks, epidemiology of pandemics, and diplomacy to advance health outcomes.


Completion of the Master of Science in Global Infectious Disease degree requires 30 credits of coursework over 18 months. Master’s students choose one of two concentrations: Modeling & Informatics or Science Policy.

The M&I concentration focuses on building knowledge and skills in epidemiology and applied data analytics. Modeling can be used to predict outbreaks and disease spread and to model the effects of different responses to disease outbreaks. The MS with a concentration in M&I has more of a focus on infectious disease science than other programs. This concentration emphasizes quantitative science behind infectious disease threats and how they might be assessed and addressed using data modeling and other quantitative methods.

Upon completion of the degree, Global Infectious Disease students will be able to describe and analyze patterns of disease in human populations and identify the determinants and public health impact of infectious disease. They will also understand mechanisms and interaction of factors involved in disease transmission and methods for disease prevention and control.

Students will assess how study design elements impact the choice of statistical test, whether and how test assumptions are met, and how to interpret results of tests and models; and will also learn about the use of big data sources in either public health or clinical settings. 

The concentration strives to produce graduates who are smart consumers of modeling data and effective collaborators with professional modelers. Rather than setting up students for modeling jobs per se, this concentration affords graduates a better understanding of how to interpret and make use of findings from infectious disease models, which is becoming an important function for many governmental and private organizations involved in infectious disease preparedness and response.

Combating infectious diseases requires a multi-prong approach that includes implementation of effective policies. The policy concentration emphasizes the development of knowledge and skills to understand, identify, and develop policies and related tools to deal with the infectious disease threat.

Coursework will develop skills for policy analysis through a variety of methods and topics, such as review of domestic and international decision-making bodies, political theory, critical tools for analyses, case studies of policy-level interventions, and related areas like diplomacy, economics, and financing.

Upon completion of the degree, students will be able to utilize key methodologies for policy analysis, develop policy options, and assess evidence for utility in supporting policy decisions. They will also recognize and address ethical issues in all areas of global infectious disease, including conduct of research, population interventions, and policy decisions.

This concentration will support graduates’ advancement to jobs that require, or would benefit from, employees who are literate in the role of policy in infectious disease preparedness and response, and who can analyze and develop valuable policy approaches.

Core Courses

18 Credits

  • GLID 5000: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Infectious Disease (3 Credits)
  • GLID 5001: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Infectious Disease II (3 Credits)
  • Infection & Immunity Course Requirement – Multiple Course Options (3 Credits)
    • MICB 6120: Immunology
    • MICB 6290: Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis
    • BHTS 6515/CBTA 6515: Microbiological Threat Agents
  • GLOH 5503: Epidemiology Methods (2 Credits)
  • GLID 5011: Research Ethics & Methods in Global Health (2 Credits)
  • GLID 5020: Evidence for Infectious Disease Policy (3 Credits)
  • GLID 7990: Capstone (2 Credits)

Concentration Courses & Electives

12 Credits

Elective – Choice of Course (3 Credits)

Modeling & InformaticsScience Policy
Math 5200: Mathematical & Statistical ComputingGLID 5030: Global Health Security & Diplomacy
GLID 6010: Analytic Methods in EpidemiologyGLID 6020: Policy Analysis for GLID
GLI 5522: Modeling Populations & DiseasesGLOH 5517: Health Economics & Financing

Sample Plans of Study

Full Time – Modeling & Informatics

Sample plan of study for a full-time student in the Modeling & Informatics concentration
Fall 1Spring 1Fall 2
GLID 5000: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Infectious Disease I 3GLID 5001: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Infectious Disease II3GLID 5020: Evidence for Infectious Disease Policy3
Infection & Immunity Requirement – (Multiple Class Options)3MATH 5200: Mathematical and Statistical Computing3GLID 5522: Modeling Populations and Diseases3
GLOH 5503: Epidemiology Methods2GLID 6010: Analytic Methods in Epidemiology3GLID 5011: Research Ethics & Methods in Global Health2
Elective3GLID 7990: GLID Capstone 2
Total Credits: 11 Total Credits: 9Total Credits: 10

Full Time – Science Policy

Sample plan of study for a full-time student in the Science Poliy concentration
Fall 1Spring 1Fall 2
GLID 5000: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Infectious Disease I 3GLID 5001: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Infectious Disease II3GLID 5020: Evidence for Infectious Disease Policy3
Infection & Immunity Requirement – (Multiple Class Options)3Elective3GLOH 5517: Health Economics & Financing3
GLOH 5503: Epidemiology Methods3GLID 6020: Policy Analysis for GLID3GLID 5011: Research Ethics & Methods in Global Health2
GLID 5030: Global Health Security & Diplomacy2GLID 7990: GLID Capstone 2
Total Credits: 11Total Credits: 9Total Credits: 10

Part Time – Modeling & Informatics

Sample plan of study for a part-time student in the Modeling & Informatics concentration
Fall 1Spring 1Fall 2Spring 2
GLID 5000: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Infectious Disease I 3GLID 5001: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Infectious Disease II3GLID 5020: Evidence for Infectious Disease Policy3GLID 6010: Analytic Methods in Epidemiology3
Infection & Immunity Requirement – (Multiple Class Options)3MATH 5200: Mathematical and Statistical Computing3GLID 5522: Modeling Populations and Diseases3Elective3
GLOH 5503: Epidemiology Methods2GLID 5011: Research Ethics & Methods in Global Health2GLID 7990: GLID Capstone2
Total Credits: 8Total Credits: 6Total Credits: 8Total Credits: 8

Part Time – Science Policy

Sample plan of study for a part-time student in the Science Policy concentration
Fall 1Spring 1Fall 2Spring 2
GLID 5000: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Infectious Disease I 3GLID 5001: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Infectious Disease II3GLID 5020: Evidence for Infectious Disease Policy3GLID 5030: Global Health Security & Diplomacy3
Infection & Immunity Requirement – (Multiple Class Options)3GLID 6020: Policy Analysis for GLID3GLOH 5517: Health Economics & Financing3Elective3
GLOH 5503: Epidemiology Methods2GLID 5011: Research Ethics & Methods in Global Health2GLID 7990: GLID Capstone2
Total Credits: 8Total Credits: 6Total Credits: 8Total Credits: 8

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