Alumni Spotlight

Many alumni of the Global Infectious Disease programs are afforded opportunities in the federal, state, local, non-governmental, private sector, and academic job market. So far, our graduates have gone on to secure offers from graduate degree programs in veterinary school and medical school (including an MD/PhD joint degree program), and job offers from major consulting and contracting companies.

Ariyand Aminpour, GLID MS 2022
Project Lead (National Institutes of Health) at CRDF Global
As I begin a position that focuses on the administrative side of global health research, I know my GLID MS helped prepare me for this step in my career.

Norma Quintanilla, GLID MS 2021
Study Coordinator II at the National Center for Disaster Medicine & Public Health
In addition to providing an interdisciplinary approach to infectious disease science, the program allowed me to compose my thesis for publication and present it at the American Public Health Association this fall.