Norma Quintanilla, GLID MS 2022

Norma currently supports academic research for the learning design, implementation, evaluation, and continual improvement of educational interventions focusing on disaster medicine and public health.
How did the GLID MS help prepare you for your career trajectory?
In addition to providing an interdisciplinary approach to infectious disease science, the program allowed me to compose my thesis for publication and present it at the American Public Health Association this fall. Meanwhile, I await the next steps in my application to The USPHS Commissioned Corps.
What’s your advice for alums thinking about a master’s degree?
Before investing in your degree, talk to people who have pursued the same degree or have jobs in the fields you are interested in. Don’t be embarrassed to ask. You’ll be surprised that most people are willing to share insight and provide guidance so that you don’t make the same mistakes they did. I’ve met most of my mentors that way. Once you’ve decided on a program, reach out to the university, meet with the program director and ask to sit in on a class. That way, you can review the course list, ask questions and decide whether or not the school or program interests you.